
Satirical Illustrations Of Police Forces Around The World By Gunduz Aghayev

Police are an essential piece of the society. Nevertheless, since it’s made up of people, it’s uncertain, and Gunduz Aghayev has decided to take a satirical look at them. Gunduz Aghayev is a satirist and illustrator from Azerbaijan. In this post are illustrated the police forces from all around the world.

Some of the illustrations represent the systematic concerns facing police in some parts of the work, like deadly shootings of black people in the US. Others harp on the somewhat absurd duties the police is burdened with, like keeping a look out for women without hijabs in Iran.

via Gunduz Aghayev

Police in Arab Emiratesarab-police__880

Police in Australiaavstraiya-police__880

Police in Azerbaijanazerbaijan-police__880

Police in Iraniran-police__880

Police in Swedenisvec-police-__880

Police in London

Police in Netherlandsnederland-police__880

Police in Brasilprazil-police__880

Police in Russiarussia-polis__880

Police in USSRsssr-police__880

Police in Sudansudan-police__880

Police in Turkeyturkish-police1__880

Police in USAusa-polis__880

Police in Chinachin-police__880
