
The Perfect Movie Date

Photo by Myke Simon on Unsplash

Dating can be stressful. Not only is it hard to find someone that’s compatible, but it also can be totally time-consuming. A good way of taking the pressure off, especially when you’ve gotten past the first date — can be trying out what it’s like to experience something together in silence — and what better way to do that than through art? And what’s one of the most entertaining artforms of all? The movies, of course! 

If you’re looking to take your date to the movies, you can make it as romantic as possible, you’ll just have to add some extra flair than just the regular soda and popcorn. You’re on your way to the perfect movie dating experience if you really put the effort in. Not only will your date be impressed, but you’ll have a great chance at getting more chances to get to know your date down the line. And isn’t that what dating’s for? 

Don’t Pick Just Any Old Theater 

Sure, movie dates are usually set in the closet cinema, but how about going outside the box? There are plenty of interesting ways to see films nowadays. Depending on what city you live in, there are tons of options to see films outside and at venues not typically known for movie-going. In Los Angeles, there are chances to go to drive-ins, see your favorite horror movies at Hollywood Forever cemetery, or even see them at your favorite music venue or bar. 

Photo by Kyle Smith on Unsplash

Nowadays, anyone with a projector can show a film. Take your date somewhere unexpected to really make the night special. One of the best parts of seeing films in this way is that you can bring your own food. You can check out the hardees menu from the comfort of your own car or favorite bar. 

Make Yourselves Cozy 

Making sure you and your date are as comfortable as possible will help you both to become more comfortable with each other. While setting boundaries for personal space, let your date give you the go ahead to touch them or kiss them before you dive in. Most likely, they’d be more into it while sitting under the stars on a soft blanket with a bottle of wine and some bread and cheese, but that’s just our most romantic advice. 

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

Choose the Film Together 

Unless your date isn’t so into film, or happy to have something recommended to them, it’s always nice to compromise on what film to watch. If it’s a specialty showing, ask your date if they’d be happy to see this particular movie. Ideally, choose a film that both of you are excited about to set the tone for a great night. 

Photo by Charles 🇵🇭 on Unsplash

Plan an Activity for After 

One of the best parts of seeing a movie with someone else is talking about how you felt about the movie after! Because this can turn into a great conversation, it’s nice to have something planned to together post-film (as long as it’s not too late).

Photo by Russ Martin on Unsplash