These vivid images are the work of a single persistent photographer‘s attempts to capture vibrant colors at the specific moment a wave breaks. Ryan Pernofski‘s beautiful shots highlight dazzling yellows and purples as a beam of sunlight hits the water at the perfect time.
What is even more striking: Ryan, a 27-year-old Australian, started shooting his favorite masterpieces with a professional camera, taking his iPhone out into the water instead. Ryan began experimenting with this technique in 2012, using an underwater home to safeguard his phone, as he couldn’t afford a professional camera.
Ryan stated:”I am looking for something different other than standard wave shots, so I push myself to do exactly what it takes to receive a cool shot. Whether this means getting up way before sunlight, like I do most days, going out someplace that I’m not comfortable or merely attempting to find different angles or fashions of photos, I’m trying to display the mad beauty of the ocean, and typically moments that last less than a split second.”

H/T designyoutrust