A good grade is a reflection of hard work and comprehension of the material. Still, sometimes you need to implement short-term solutions to boost your grade in an assignment or exam that is due in a few hours or a day. There are some simple techniques that can help students to improve their grades almost immediately by studying hard and smartly.
You can’t let one poor test or a bad month sink your GPA and prevent you from getting where you need to be. For instance, if you are a high school student, you have to get good grades to get into a good college. If you take action now, you can get your scores up fast and still end the semester where you want to be. The guide below will give your report card a last-minute boost by lifting your grades within a short time.

Strategies to Get Your Grades Up in One Day
Understand the grading system
Understanding the grading system and marking criteria are critical in boosting your grade. The teacher or lecturer marking your assignment wants you to hit specific targets. It is your job to make it easy for them to award you the marks by ensuring that you follow all the requirements outlined in the rubric. On many occasions, I print out the marking criterion and refer to it every 20 or 30 minutes to ensure my submission is directly addressing the requirements. To get my grades up, I always aim for the top grade boundary of the grading system.
You can also get your grade up quickly by practicing how to write answers that hit the grading expectations. Practicing how to write answers is a way of studying smarter and more efficiently. Going through past paper questions is a time-saver that can get you ready for a test. It makes it easy to write in a style that shows the examiner that you understand the topic and present answers exactly how they want you to.
Learn to study with urgency
Sometimes the circumstances may require you to study with urgency. Many students leave assignments unfinished, fail to do their homework, or wait until right before the test to study due to limited time. The behavior might have worked in middle school but is unlikely to fly at higher levels, especially in rigorous classes where the teacher assumes that you will learn some of the materials on your own.
If you want to get your grades up within a short time, then you need to practice how to study with urgency. Sometimes studying for 45 minutes is just as effective, if not more effective, than studying for three hours. What matters is the material you cover and how much information you are able to process.
Whether you are studying online or in a classroom, the ability to learn with urgency requires a lot of practice. For example, you can set a timer to see how many words you can write before the timer runs out. You may also set goals on tasks that need to be completed within 30 minutes. It is about retaining as much information in a short time to help you pass an exam or complete an assignment that is due in a few hours.

Ask for help
If you are overwhelmed by schoolwork, it may be a perfect time to get some extra help. If your schedule does not allow you to meet up with your teacher or study group, a tutor might be a good option for you. Working with a private tutor can help you understand problematic areas within a short period. The one-on-one attention from a private tutor can also ignite a love of learning, build confidence, and enable you to pass upcoming tests.
Seeking the help of paper writing services is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get your grades up. If you are seriously struggling in a certain class, sometimes you just need that extra help to get a passing grade. Having a professional, experienced writer complete or review your paper will eliminate last-minute deadline scares, get you a good mark, bring up your GPA, and keep you on course for graduation. By enlisting an online essay writing service, you can have your entire assignment done from scratch without leaving your couch. The experts are well versed in a variety of subjects and have experience in all types of papers. You can visit the CustomWritings website to get a free quote and see how easy it really can be to get your essay written by academic experts.
Utilize office hours
Teachers love when students are proactive. If you are struggling with your studying and you have just a few hours before your deadline, talking to your teacher can help save your grade. Ask your instructor(s) for advice on areas you might improve, where you might have gone wrong, and the most effective ways of approaching your study. You might end up getting hints on which questions or topics are likely to come up in the exam. Make sure to approach the teachers sincerely and follow the advice given. If you ask for help and then fail to follow it, the teacher may not want to help you again in the future.
You can also talk to your teachers about other quick ways to raise your grade, such as taking extra assignments, participating in a science fair, writing an extra essay, or giving a presentation to the class. You can ask to hand-in outstanding assignments, especially those that are past the deadline. It would not hurt to ask if you can redo past assignments that you scored low.
Teachers appreciate it when students come to them as soon as they realize that they are having trouble. Do not wait to ask for help or seek extra credits at the last minute. In most cases, it will be too late for you.

Stick to your plan
Maintaining good study habits is essential if you want to get grades up. You must stick to the plan until the end. Study hard, however boring it might be, because you cannot ace a test that you did not study for. Flashcards are a great way to make learning less boring. Evaluate your progress often to ensure that you are well prepared for the coming exam or test.
Whether you need to get your grade up in a week or a day, you might need to seclude yourself to avoid distractions. Distractions can be friends, electronics, social media, events, excessive napping, or games. The activities will use up much of the time that you need for studying. If possible, you can also request reduced work hours so that you have more time for studying.