College life is filled with fun and joy — you are able to meet lots of interesting individuals and try out new things. On the other hand, you have assignments. There is a need to complete projects and write essays all the time.
Creating an essay is especially interesting as this genre of writing has some specifics that every essay writer has to know about. Thankfully, this guide will help you out as it will provide you with top tips and rules for writing an excellent essay.
Identify your topic
First things first — if you are tasked with writing an essay with a defined topic, it’s easy; however, the situation is different if you need to write something “freestyle.” In this case, it is best to think of what interests you and could be of interest to your professor.
This may require some brainstorming, but it’s not a hard task at all. It’s better to begin your search with discipline and then seek topics that might be of interest to you. This is an important moment because writing an essay about something you are not passionate about is tiresome. On the other side, if you’re passionate about the topic, your custom writings will be engaging.

Think of a thesis statement
The thesis statement is an essential element of any college essay. It is located in the introduction part of your paper and pretty much sums up what is written in it. If an essay is persuasive, your thesis will include a solution to the problem presented. If it’s a comparison paper, a thesis will highlight similarities and differences between the things that have to be analyzed.
Look for information
After coming up with an idea and creating a thesis statement, it is possible to move to the collection of information. This is where many students can experience difficulties and hire a custom essay writing services to help them out as college rules regarding sources are strict.
The best idea is to look for information in reliable and reputable sources such as scientific articles, studies, official news releases, and so on. College students are expected to conduct independent research, and it is an integral part of any academic essay.
When speaking of an essay, the structure is everything. First of all, a proper essay begins with an introduction to the topic. This section provides a reader with general information about what’s in the paper and is finished with a thesis statement.
Main body
This is where you explore the topic in a detailed manner. The best tip here is to remember that each individual idea should have its own paragraph. Your main body paragraphs should begin with introductory sentences and finish with transitional sentences that lead to the next idea.
Also, never forget that college professors require you to cite any ideas and concepts that aren’t yours. If you’re not sure about this part, it may be smart to consult custom writings — they will assist you with the essay-writing process.

The final part of your essay needs to summarize all your ideas and/or findings. Moreover, many students tend to forget, but a conclusion should feature your rephrased thesis statement. A conclusion should not add any new information. This subtle tip might save your grade in the future.
Final thoughts
Writing an essay is not that hard, but there are some rules to follow. These very tips will help you on a journey to become proficient in writing professional essays. Having a general idea, thesis statement, and information is the key to create great content. As for the structure, it’s just an established rule, but students often tend to forget about its specifics.