When your computer slows down, it can have a serious effect on your overall productivity. You may wonder whether you should try to fix the device you have or consider purchasing a new one. However, computers are a big purchase, and you need to be sure if you’re making a good investment or not before you take action.
Desktop computers were the standard for heavy business and academic work for years, but laptops have begun to catch up with their power, and also have compelling benefits of their own. When you’re considering purchasing a new computer, ask yourself these questions to decide whether to invest in a new desktop.
How Well Is Your Current Device Running?
Since many issues that cause slowdowns and glitches are fixable, you can keep your computer by simply improving your maintenance. For example, you can clean your hard disc, remove dust from the fans, and hire a professional virus removal service. Additionally, you should always consider installing system updates and security patches. Computers can stop working if their software isn’t updated regularly.
Slowness and glitches may also simply be products of age. If you have had your computer for more than eight to nine years, you are nearing the end of its lifespan.

Consider How You Use Your Computer
The way you use your computer determines which functions are most important to you. For example, if it’s just a home computer that you use for some light administrative work, it doesn’t need to be as fast or hardy as the computer of a graphic designer or software developer.
Nonetheless, if your computer hasn’t met your needs—too slow for online movies, not enough storage, lack of a specific port, not compatible with certain software, and so on—you should look into options that can give you what you desire.
Have Your Needs Changed?
Perhaps you initially bought your desktop to watch movies, but now your plans and situation have changed. You may be using your computer for distance learning, a new business venture, or working from home.
In some cases, you may also want to consider replacing your desktop with a laptop. They both have different characteristics you can compare to decide. For instance, a laptop is portable, easier to manage, and can be as powerful as a desktop, although devices with that level of power can also be more expensive. On the other hand, you can customize and modify a desktop to meet your needs. It is also more reliable, and you get more value for your money.
Consider the Financials
If you’re on a budget, you need to think thoroughly about a significant purchase like a new computer. A good, middle-of-the-market desktop computer typically costs between $600 to $700. A comparable laptop, on the other hand, could cost between $1000 and $1400.
You should also factor in the cost of potential repairs down the line. Laptops can be more expensive and uncertain to repair, especially because their portability can land them in more complicated situations leading to more unique damage. In some cases, constantly repairing a laptop can cost more than the laptop itself over the years. On the other hand, desktop repairs can be challenging because desktop computers are becoming less common, so the parts may be harder to find.
Either option you choose can be expensive, so be sure you can afford the initial purchase, and maintain your new device. This way, you will know you’ve made a worthy investment.

A New Desktop Is a Big Decision
Investing in the proper new computer can be a life-changing decision. A suitable new device can increase your productivity at work and school, reduce your stress levels when you find yourself dealing with fewer computer issues, and allow access to exciting new technologies.
When you’re deciding whether to purchase a new desktop, keep in mind what you hope to get out of your new device and whether your needs would be better suited by fixing your current computer or purchasing a laptop.