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Sculpture “Splash” by Tomas Misura


Artist Tomas Misura created this fun sculpture, which called “Splash”. The sculpture is set on the beach at Bondi Beach in Sydney.

“Big part of my current work has explored the possibilities of fusing traditional metalworking techniques with new materials into a contemporary sculptural language. However as an artisan trained in the age old techniques of blacksmithing and metalwork, I have produced, restored and fabricated many traditional works for clients of my business. I am interested in the dynamics of sculpture and its impact on human emotions.

In 1997, after four years of specialist training, I graduated with distinction as an Artistic Blacksmith from The School of Artistic Crafts in Bratislava, Slovakia.

After training, my artistic development was further shaped by Prof. Alfred Habermann who was a world renowned authority in contemporary artistic blacksmithing. In recent times I have been guided by my mentor Ron Robertson Swann OAM, who was an assistant to Henry Moore, and who currently heads the Sculpture department at The National Art School.

Travelling extensively, before settling in, and becoming a citizen of, Australia, has allowed me to meet and be influenced by many designers and artists around the world. I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to meet with the team from Les Métalliers Champenois who were responsible for restoring the Statue of Liberty in NY, as well as the incredible designers Kotarou Kurata and Nobuo Matsuoka, whom I met with in 2002 and 2003 when visiting Japan.”




