Scott Slagerman Studio Creates Elegant Glass Vases Inside Pieces Of Wood

To explore the symbiotic relationship between two vastly different materials, LA-based artist Scott Slagerman in collaboration with Jim Fishman made this tasteful Wood & Glass collection. Every glass vase is formed by blowing it into a shape cut from wood while it lays flat on a table, making sure that the different objects fit perfectly just like puzzle pieces. To get a labor-intensive process which needs an exact dance of rate and motion, the added difficulty of working with a flammable enclosure appears remarkable. From Slagerman’s artist statement:

Scott Slagerman has always been captivated by the glass — how it is transformed from a delicate, yet good unyielding state to molten fluidity and back again; and how this mutable substance, via a process that is both dangerous and delicate, can create objects equally esoteric and essential. He’s fascinated with the role that glass plays architecture, as well as from the everyday items which we find around us.

You may see more from the Glass & Wood series on Slagerman’s website.