
10 Ways to Prevent Water Damage

Transcription: Water damage can originate by different sources such as water-using appliances, broken pipes, leaking roof, foundation cracks, central heating radiator leaks, bad weather (snow, rain, floods), and many more. As far as insurance coverage is concerned, most damage caused by bad weather is considered flood damage and normally is not covered under homeowners insurance. Coverage for bad weather would usually require flood insurance

Roof – Heavy rains / Snow / Heavy Winds

  • Maintain your roof in a perfect condition and replace/repair the shingles every 15-20 years.
  • Make sure there is proper ventilation.
  • During the Winter, make sure to clean regularly any snow or ice that builds up.

Eavestrough overflow

  • Maintain your gutters throughout the whole year and regularly clean them.

Window seals

  • Make sure all your windows are sealed properly, and there are no gaps or cracks. Install window wells for basement windows.

Overflow or leaks from toilets,  sinks, etc.

  • Make sure your drains are clear from debris.
  • Know where the shut off valve is. If there is no shut-off valves, consider installing some.

Leaks from appliances

  • Check your appliances regularly and check their water sources for tears/leaks.
  • Replace or maintain older appliances.

Broken or burst pipes

  • Know where the water shut off valves are or the main water shut-off valve for the entire home. Check it every six months or so.
  • Check plumbing for corrosion, buckling, bulging or cracks and replace if necessary.
  • Consider installing reinforced braided stainless steel hoses.
  • Avoid pouring fats, oils and grease down your drains.

Basement floods due to gutter overflow

  • Install downspout extensions and direct water flow away from the home.

Basement Flooding due to sewer backup

  • Minimize water use during heavy rainfall.
  • Keep your outdoor storm sewer grates clear all the time.
  • Ensure basement floor drains are clear from debris.
  • Keep items off the floor in unfinished basements.
  • Install a back-flow valve or a backup generator.

Leaks from cracks

  • Regularly check for cracks in foundation walls and basement floors and seal them right away.

Water Tank leakage/burst

  • Know the age of the water tank and replace every 10-15 years depending on condition, keep water tank maintained and check for corrosion.
