
Vintage Etiquette Style Posters to Help Raise Awareness of Kitchen Dangers

More than 60% of all accidental house fires start in the kitchen. In an effort to help raise awareness of some of the common causes, UK charity Electrical Safety First has created a series of vintage ‘etiquette’ style posters.

The posters are aimed at educating the public on a number of dangers such as leaving appliances unaccompanied, keeping your oven clean and not getting distracted whilst cooking. They’ve collaborated with celebrity chef Rosemary Shrager, famous for her old fashioned teachings in the TV show ‘Ladette To Lady’, to get the message across in these early 20th-century aesthetic posters.

Dirty ovens are a fire risk

Distractions when cooking can be deadly

Only put bread in your toaster

Unaccompanied appliances can be killers

Overloading sockets can catch fire

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