A lot of individuals give up on their resolutions because these are solely about them. So why not try making resolutions together with your family this year? The resolutions can be a lot of fun and are sure to benefit the whole family. Also, your little one/s will learn self-discipline and the importance of setting goals.
Family resolutions might include going on monthly hikes, playing board games, or getting involved in volunteer work.
Of course, you want to include your little one in your family resolution plan. Even though he/she can’t set up the goals himself/herself, it is a good idea to include your baby in all the activities.

Ideas for Resolutions
- Take a break from technology – Nowadays, we spend so much time with electronics for work and play. Have you and your family ever spent an entire day “unplugged?” Without watching any TV, checking any emails, or staying connected to your cell phones? Make it a goal to spend one day each month (if not each week) without your gadgets. Instead, enjoy the outdoors.
- Eat healthy – It is usually moms who go on diets but eating healthy meals together as a family can have many benefits. Even your little one can participate. When he/she is old enough to start solids, make sure you feed him/her healthy foods, such as pureed vegetables/fruits. No cutbacks on your baby’s quality nutrition!
- Exercise – It is easy to let resolutions to exercise fade after a few wintery weeks. Find fun, family-friendly activities to help you stay fit. Have a snowman-building competition, an indoor dance party, or just take a walk together.
- Read! – Reading is a great New Year’s resolution. Reading makes us better thinkers by improving our critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Why not include your little one? Read books to your baby, it also increases the bond between you two.
- Save money – Saving money might be hard if you just had a baby. You need diapers, premium baby formula and all kinds of baby products. However, by writing down how much and on what you spend your money on, you can find ways to save money.
- Capture memories – Pictures and videos are a great way to cherish memories forever. Whether you go out for a walk, play games together or just stay in with your family it is always a good idea to take pictures and videos, so you can look back and remember the good times.

New Year’s Resolutions for your little one
- Be sure to praise your child often for good behaviour.
- Make sure your little one eats at the same time each day. Of course, for very little ones, feed them as much as they need and ask.
- Get up and go to bed at the same time as your baby so you will be fresh and effective the next day. It’s not always possible, especially when you have a newborn who gets up during the night, but it’s always worth a shot.
- Whenever you discipline your child for bad behaviour, remain calm and in control.
Final thoughts
Keeping New Year’s resolutions is a lot harder than making them. By being patient with yourself and your children, you will be able to successfully establish healthy routines in your home. Most important thing is to be happy and make the best out of the new year with your family!