
Photos Of The Artists And Hustlers of Jamaica’s Dancehall Scene

Young Love is a point-and-shoot portrait of Jamaica’s dancehall tradition shot by London-based photographer Ivar Wigan. Shot in neon strip clubs, garden parties, and interior houses, these snapshots are a tribute to the faces behind among the island’s preferred genres.

These are the figures supporting the energetic party scene that Wigan explains as “an establishment of this island.” Whether its love or despise, everybody appears to have an impression on dancehall.

“Church leaders speak out against parents may wag a finger in it, but each of the youth of the country resides because of their homegrown music civilization,” Wigan states.

“From the very first minute you walk from this airport you hear dancehall and reggae flourishing from the taxis — these noises follow you anywhere you go on the staircase. Jamaica is a land of powerful passions and audio is top of the list.”

Follow Wigan’s job on Instagram.

h/t Dazed