Interior design can be a wonderful way to express your individual creativity and a fantastic way to improve the interior of your home. Many of us have had far too much time free with the current global lockdowns in place, whether through unemployment or self-isolation, and many people have channeled the pent-up frustration of not being allowed outdoors inwards and decorated their homes.
Yes, an infection is on the rise, and it’s not the one we’re all hiding indoors from, no, it’s an interior design bug! And, just by the notion of you reading this page, it’s safe to say you’ve caught it too!
There are many changes you can make to the interior of your home on a budget and still make a big impact, and that is what this page will tell you all about. Yes, on this page, you will find out about six small [but significant] changes you can make to your home. If you’ve nothing to do and fancy improving the quality of your home, you’re in the right place.
Let’s get started.

Blinds, Blinds Everywhere!
The first on our list is a simple addition, but one that has a huge impact: blinds. We’ve all seen them, heck, we’ve all got them, but did you know that there are many different types of blinds, far more than your traditional Venetians or roller blinds. In fact, there is such a large number of blinds that you could build a small collection of blinds in your home, and this is exactly what we are proposing to you. Consider this for a moment, the living room has plantation shutters, the Roman kitchen blinds, the bedroom Venetians, and the bathroom blackout blinds. By mixing and matching blinds in your home, you give every room its own identity and give your home a unique and interesting aesthetic that is sure to draw attention.

Did Somebody Say… Persian?
A Persian rug would traditionally be found on the floor of a stately home’s library. But now, due to second-hand websites and wide availability, you too can have one. No one is suggesting for a moment you can purchase a vintage or authentic Persian rug [handmade at least], on a budget. But you can buy machine-made and sewn rugs that stand up well next to their authentic counterparts. A Persian rug can completely change a room and will become the centerpiece of your entire home.

Let’s Get Tropical
Tropical plants, mismatched blinds, and a Persian rug are the criteria for joining the aesthete club. Yes, tropical plants, you read correctly. Many tropical plants can be kept inside your home, and they can provide a unique and interesting aesthetic. Plants are very good for the environment of your home as they oxygenate the air and are shown to relax people. Introducing plants is a great way to make a big impact on your home and improve the interior of your home. If you have cats [we recommend Persians], you will want to research the plants properly, for some plants are highly toxic to cats, and as we all know, cats are curious critters.

Portraits of Strangers
If you want to continue making additions to your home and want to continue the theme that we have been in keeping with so far in this article, then you’re going to need portraits and lots of them. Not just any old portraits, however; no, not portraits of the beach, rolling hills, or teeny-weeny birds. No, you need portraits of strangers. Hang a portrait up of a 17th century Lord from the Scottish Highlands. Portraits can make a big impact on your home and can make your interior look more mature and vintage.
Feature Wall
In traditional Japanese homes or Minka [民家, ‘house of the people’], it is not uncommon to find feature walls. Feature walls will often have a picture or portrait hanging [or calligraphy] that represent the season. They will also have a potted plant that is in season beneath the picture or portrait. Introducing a feature wall into your home is a great way to cultivate a unique and foreign aesthetic, and one that is sure to draw attention and intrigue.

Books, Millions of Books
Now, providing you have followed every point to the letter and introduced every aspect of this guide, the final touch is books [even if you won’t read them]. Books can make your home look a lot more mature, and a lot more lived in, and make you appear scholarly. You can likely pick up hundreds of second-hand vintage books for cheap online.
With the help of this page, you now have some design ideas to think about when it comes to the interior of your home. While not all of the ideas listed here will stand out to everyone, some might. Pick and choose as you like and have fun.