
Meet the Archetype Characters in Alexey Lyapunov and Lena Erlich’s Paperworks

“Nitro.” All images © People Too, shared with permission

Archetypes are an oversimplified representation of a particular person, thing, or idea. They can be seen in many different cultures and mediums, such as paintings, books, and movies. You might even see them in your daily life through people you interact with, like skateboarders that skate around town wearing clothes that show their skateboarding hobby. These characters are often easily recognizable and may even seem uncomfortably relatable. But do archetypes exist only in the real world? It turns out they also live inside paperwork! This blog post is about three paper-based archetypal characters created by artists Alexey Lyapunov and Lena Erlich to illustrate some important points about how we use our time.


The Russian duo, known as People Too, was founded in Novosibirsk and works under People Too (previously). They designed the paper models for a current commission to turn the paper sculptures into animated characters, which has been delayed. To discover additional information or to purchase prints of the series, go to Behance or Society6.

Left: “Esc.” Right: “André”