Ilya Sizov is a designer of Pixride, an inspirational tool for creative thinkers. Here are some of his advice on how to stay inspired.
- Be multidisciplinary. If you design interfaces, get inspired by the art. If you deal with typography, follow the news on architecture. It is tempting to stick with a particular area you are interested in but the real revelations are often unexpected.
- Treat watching like reading and make it a habit. To be well-educated in science you need to read a lot of books. Constantly. The same is with visual education: you need to improve your skills daily, not only for a particular task.
- Follow teams and persons. There are many great sites, blogs and other places where you can select a tag (or make a search request) and get tons of great examples of concrete design outcomes (say, logos or websites). But using this approach won’t help you find and develop your style. Instead, follow creatives that you like: either teams or persons. Their unique style will provide you with a consistent source of cohesive inspiration.
- Give credits to the masterpieces of the past. Nowness is something you need to embrace to be successful but doesn’t underestimate the help that the legacy provides. Never thought about looking at Bodoni’s typographic works as an inspiration for a fashion website? You should consider giving it a try.
- Don’t forget to sleep and take a walk. Working a lot is fine but there is a point when working more doesn’t necessarily help you to accomplish more. Especially when it comes to creative work. Staying healthy and keeping your mind fresh is crucial for being inspired. So don’t forget to take a rest and enjoy your life.`

Ilya Sizov, digital art director, designer of the inspirational tool Pixride.