Are you bored of the clothes that are in your closet? Sure, they’re good enough, but they don’t make you feel like you, right?
Fashion is an art form. You have the opportunity to make yourself look however you’d like. Why not curate your wardrobe and find your style so you can feel truly “yourself?”
We’re here to offer a few tips to help. Keep reading to learn all about finding your personal clothing style.
1. Make An Inspiration Board
Do you always feel like people on the street, on television, or in movies look more put together than you do? There’s no reason that you can’t create a signature look that will make you just as happy.
If you want to start dressing in a way that makes you feel confident, start taking inspiration from other people that you deem fashionable.
Browse online magazines and videos and take note of fashion inspirations. Put them together on a mood board or a site like Pinterest so you have them all in one place.
This will allow you to see what all of these “fashion inspirations” have in common. Do they stick with a similar color palette? Do they use similar silhouettes?
You don’t have to copy each of these people’s individual styles. You’re just giving yourself a strong jumping-off point. You might even discover that you like several different “styles” that you can mix and match to find and define your style.

2. Consider Your Fashion Needs
When you’re finding your personal style, you can’t put form over function (at least not all of the time). Your wardrobe needs to fit your lifestyle.
What do you need your clothes to do for you?
If you live somewhere that gets cold during the winter, you can’t survive off of a wardrobe of thin and tiny outfits. You need to balance it out with warm clothing. If you live somewhere that stays warm year-round, you won’t be able to clothe yourself in faux fur coats and fuzzy scarves.
If you’re an active person, you’ll want to have at least one pair of active shoes, like Human Race sneakers, in your wardrobe. You may also want to consider an athleisure wardrobe.
If you want to dress in a way that doesn’t suit your current lifestyle, you might have to make some changes. For example, if you dream of being the type of person who can rock six-inch heels, but you’ve never walked in heels before, you have to practice.
3. Purge Your Wardrobe
How many things in your closet have gone unworn for years now? Whether it’s because they’re no longer your size or because they don’t fit the image of your ideal aesthetic, it’s time to let them go.
Purging your wardrobe is a great way to find the few things that you like that you may have forgotten that you had in the first place. You’ll also free up space and have the opportunity to donate clothes to people who need them.
Bring a few boxes into your closet. Label them:
- Keep
- Donate
- Throw away
- Fix or repurpose
Every time you pick up a piece of clothing, decide whether or not it’s actually going to fit into your new and improved wardrobe. Does it still fit your body? Can you see yourself wearing it again?
If you’re getting rid of it but it’s still in good condition, put it in the “donate” box. If it’s beyond repair, put it into the “throwaway” box. If you think it’s fixable or that you can use the fabric for something in the future, put it into the “fix or repurpose” box.
Decluttering your wardrobe might feel stressful, but it’s how you start to narrow down and define your style.

4. Fit Your Budget
Many people think that you have to drop a lot of money when you’re re-doing your wardrobe. While you certainly can go all-out and hit up the expensive stores on your shopping spree, it’s not a necessity.
If you’re on a budget, start by looking at local thrift and secondhand stores. Even modern fast fashion clothes end up at these stores at the end of every “fashion cycle,” and because we’re in an era of micro-trends, you’re likely to find exactly what you’re looking for if you look hard enough.
Estate and yard sales are also great for this. Shopping secondhand is the most sustainable option and you’re more likely to find unique pieces.
There are also plenty of online secondhand shops, such as Depop and Poshmark. You’ll find clothes that are in good condition and ready to fit your wardrobe.
If you’re going to spend extra money on a few fashionable pieces, make sure that they’re high-quality items that you’re going to re-wear often. A well-made pair of boots or sneakers will be a better investment than a cheap pair from a fast fashion shop.
5. Make A Statement
When you finally assemble your ideal wardrobe, you might feel uncomfortable when you’re wearing it in public for the first time. This is normal, but don’t let that discomfort stop you. Remember, even if you look “extra,” this is your time to express your style. Most people will not think that you look “weird” or “wrong,” they’ll think that you have your own personal style.
The key to making any outfit look good is wearing it with confidence. You can wear the most unique styles and still accrue next to no negative attention if you look like you feel confident.
Wearing the clothing that you’ve been wanting to wear should make you feel confident over time. Fake it until you make it.

Find Your Style In 2022
Learning how to find and curate your personal style is a lot of fun. You can craft yourself like you’re your own video game character. Find your style and express yourself with confidence.
For more helpful and fun articles all about fashion and more, visit the rest of our site.