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How to Start a Nonprofit Organization

a person sitting at a table with food

Starting a nonprofit organization is the best way to go if you want to share your passion to help others. There are about more than 1.5 million such groups that take on a wide array of issues. These include dealing with climate change and providing affordable housing.

Through a non-profit organization, you can turn your passion for service into an extensive movement that aims to make a difference in the world. It would take more than passion to start a group that focuses on solving the world’s most pressing issues. Check out this guide to building a successful non-profit in your niche.

Establish your goals

Laying down a set of values and goals is a prerequisite to starting a non-profit. The best way to do that is to form the organization around the causes you care for the most. If you are for environmental advocacy, select a sector you want to take on. Perhaps you would like to focus on green energy or zero-waste lifestyles.

With this set of values and goals, it will be easier for you to craft the activities and initiatives you want your organization to work on. Once your objectives and motives are clear, you can start drafting a vision and mission statement.

Map out the landscape

It’s important to know that you won’t be the only one taking up such a cause. Learn what other organizations with the same goals are active. See what projects or initiatives they are doing and get an idea about what you want to do once your organization takes off. 

Researching the non-profit landscape is important in making sure you have a good idea of what it takes to sustain the growth of your concept. More importantly, you should also know what regulatory guidelines to follow. There are local and national laws about starting a non-profit, so you need to make sure your plans are within legal bounds. Knowing what to expect before starting your non-profit will save you from a lot of issues and fines that could raze your organization to the ground.

group of children photography

Craft your branding

Like any organization, your nonprofit should come off as unique from other groups in the same sector. With this in mind, coming up with a brand kit will help set you apart from everyone else in the same cause. 

When building your non-profit brand, start by designing a logo that matches the goals you want to accomplish. It should also make use of brand colors that have significance to your cause. If your non-profit focuses on green initiatives, opt for a brand kit that uses green as the predominant color. In case your organization aims to provide access to clean water to impoverished communities, use blue or white as part of your brand identity. 

Designing a logo is only a small fraction of the process. You should also come up with a style guide that establishes the tone and style of your messaging. If your organization caters to the needs of children, go for a more playful tone. On the other hand, if your nonprofit’s objective is to build a network of eco-friendly businesses, aim for more professional messaging. 

Know your financing sources

A great deal of of capital goes into starting a non-profit. Expect that you will need to pay for the starting costs out of your own pocket. However, you can’t always depend on savings to start your initiatives. Reach out to people you know who might want to donate some amount to help you get things started. 

Contact family members or friends who might be willing to lend some money to help you finance your organization. Another way is to start a crowdsourcing campaign using platforms like Kickstarter or Patreon. You only need to craft a compelling pitch so people will be interested in donating. 

If you want to go the more traditional route, consider starting fundraising events such as bake sales and donation drives where people can freely contribute the resources and materials you need to start your organization.

Another reason for this is that incorporation allows your organization to enjoy tax deductions and access government grants that are essential to growth. The incorporation process is straightforward so long as you have created a Board of Directors who will help run the organization. You also need to prepare a set of by-laws that explain how your organization operates and collects funds.

man in black t-shirt holding coca cola bottle

Form a reliable team

Once you’ve built up your team, or at least laid solid foundations, you’ll need to keep it together to ensure it keeps working as a single unit. Make sure your employees get on well with each other and can all work together well to achieve the common goal. You’ll also need to make sure they stay interested in the charity for a long period of time. A great way to do this is to acknowledge their contributions and work they’ve done over the recent months, by personally talking to them or writing letters of appreciation. Such acts might be minor, but can go a long way to keeping your team in high spirits. 

You also need on-the-ground personnel which includes volunteers and experts who are skilled in the kind of advocacy you are leading. For instance, if your nonprofit helps deafmute children, consider hiring tactile interpreters as well as school teachers with special needs experience. 

While recruiting the right people for your non-profit, it helps to come up with a detailed job description. You should also be clear about the qualifications required for each position. 

Consider incorporating your organization

As your non-profit grows its donor base, you will have to expand your operations so it becomes a legal entity. In the United States, nonprofits are required to follow laws for incorporating their organization. You will eventually arrive at this point when you begin to make profits regardless if they are used for future activities. 

man in blue polo shirt holding gray and black hair blower

Promote what you are doing

With your non-profit now active, you need to let others know about your cause. Marketing your non-profit will help you seek out donors and build new connections among people who are interested in your advocacy. 

Use social media to promote your events and build a website that features more information about your organization. You may also need to start a partnership program that makes it easy for government entities and private individuals to join your advocacy. 

Starting a non-profit won’t happen in an instant. It only needs careful planning and networking to build an organization that will make a difference in the world.