A little while back, I got together with some colleagues to explore the question “What if popular websites were retro video games?”Mash-ups are always a fun way to see something familiar with fresh eyes. Add in some nerdy nostalgia and a liberal dose of puns, and this is where you end up! You can read more about how we approached this here, or simply keep scrolling to see the five concepts we came up with.
If Amazon was a game…

Remember Paperboy? Now it’s time for Parcelboy*
*Not endorsed by Jeff Bezos.
If Instagram was a game…

Pac-Man was a classic, but now we live in the Pic-Man* age.
*Gender neutral titles are also available.
If LinkedIn was a game…

Are you ready to nuke* some recruiters?
*No recruiters were harmed in the making of this blog post. (Sorry).
If Twitter was a game…

Some would argue Twitter is a game already*. Does that make Donald Trump the final boss?
*If you know the best special move combos, please let us know.
If Airbnb was a game…

It would be called Room Raider*, and feature the one and only Lara Croft as its backpacking protagonist, obviously.
*This exquisite pun is available to licence for a modest fee.
That’s it for now, but we might have a few more of these to share with you soon…
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