You are thinking of changing your style and you want to make sure that it is eye-catching and unique. You know you will need duds that will fit your body type and personality and you are wondering if you should invent your own look or wear the latest style. There are several factors you should take into consideration before heading out to the mall.
At one time it was much less expensive to make your own clothes than buy them. Labor costs would make the price of clothing much more expensive. Nowadays, the cost of fabric is rather high and the cost of labor is low.
You should consider how much time it will take you to create your clothes. If you buy clothes from megastores like Walmart and you are looking to make plain tee shirts and jeans, you will probably spend more money on fabric than if you just went to a store.
If you are thinking of getting yourself that black Versace dress suit with diagonal zippers, you will have to use a slightly more expensive type of fabric. However, one of the reasons that dress may be so expensive is because of what it cost to advertise. When you take the fact that upscale threads are often sold in a small boutique and marketed in an exclusive publication into consideration, you may find that you will save a lot of money by making the dress yourself. Before you begin, you will want to be honest about your own abilities.

Do you have the skills to pay the bills?
Are you a wiz with a Singer or do you end up sewing what you make to the sleeve of your shirt? Do you know how to put a zipper in just the right place or align your buttons perfectly? High-End designer clothes often have complicated patterns. There are some clothing designs that are even patented. You will want to take your own abilities into account when you are considering putting together your new style.

Make Your Own Style by Combining Clothes
One way to create your own style is to buy inexpensive clothes at a big box store and add your own flair to them. You can take a plain pair of jeans, wear heels with them 1970s style, or dye a white button-up shirt a unique color. You can tear your jeans in exactly the right places with a cheese grater, scissors, sandpaper, and a tweezer. You can dress up an ordinary shirt by adding embroidery or accents to the collar.
There are several websites on the internet that will let you design your own t-shirts, sweatshirts scarves, and handbags. You can use an online tool to put everything from inspirational quotes to sarcastic remarks, to images that you draw yourself onto a shirt. Some sites even offer a go coupon.

Your clothes are one of the first things people will notice about you when they meet you. If you give your style some time and some thought, you can give people a good idea of who you are. Combining your own innovations with classic and simple clothes from ordinary megastores can be your ticket to creating your own style.