
If Famous Brands Designed Home Offices…

Let’s be honest, we’re very jealous of people who work from home everyday. You can roll out of bed just before your working day starts, you don’t have to put on trousers if you don’t want to, no one will steal your lunch from the fridge, who doesn’t want that? Having said that, working from home means you have to motivate yourself. There’s no one looking over your shoulder, no managers or bosses to tell you off if you become distracted. So for that reason, your home office should be a space that you feel productive and creative in, one that inspires you to achieve every day.

We thought, how would some of the most well-known, forward-thinking brands design their home office? If these multi-national mega companies had to condense their entire international operations into one home office, how would that look? We landed on six different brands: Apple, Google, Facebook, Lego, Nintendo and Pixar. And these designs by Bingham Self Storage has bought these offices to life. Have a look and let us know what you think. We’d love to have an office like one of these in our home…


home office designed by apple

Steve Jobs was a visionary and has had a huge impact on how we live our daily lives. What’s defined Apple’s design is minimalism and clean lines. If Steve Jobs was to have a home office, we think it would embrace that minimalism and look a bit like this. The all-white walls are on theme with the brand but also gives it a bit of an asylum feel. Minimal distractions here, this is an office where your mind can fill in the blanks.


home office designed by google

The kings of the internet, Google, are another brand that have changed the way we live. Answers to the many questions we have every day can be found through their product, it’s the way we navigate the internet and any brand whose name becomes literally synonymous with the service they provide stands to reap rewards for many years to come. Google encourage their employees to be creative. Their offices feature a cinema, tennis courts, pinball, a rooftop garden and other quirky features to foster this attitude of work hard, play hard. If Google had to build a home office, we think it would look a bit like this.


facebook-designed home office

Facebook have been having a pretty rough time as of late. Well, about as rough a time a website with over 2 billion users can have. But that doesn’t stop the fact that they are the seminal social media website. Sure, there was MySpace and Bebo and Six Degrees before it, but social media didn’t become an ever-present behemoth in our lives until Facebook came around. You may be thankful for it, you may despise it for that same reason, but you can’t deny the impact they’ve had. If Facebook designed a home office, we think it would be a bit of a mix between Silicon Valley quirkiness and Ivy League drabness, exemplified by a pretty standard wooden desk with a Swiss ball as a chair. Can’t forget the surveillance camera in the corner, they’re always watching…


mock-up of a home office designed by lego

Lego captured the imaginations of millions of children all over the world. You could build whatever you wanted with their bricks and you just couldn’t get enough of those bright, primary colours. You’re probably going to want to get some slippers for this home office but at least you could build it yourself pretty easily! This is just a template, but with a Lego home office, the possibilities are endless.


nintendo-designed home office

If you’re a big gamer, you’ll love a Nintendo-themed home office. It may only inspire to break out your Switch or your old Nintendo 64 rather than work, but this room is a thing of beauty. It comes with mystery storage boxes on the wall (don’t punch them) and a portrait of Princess Peach to remind you what you’re working for. We didn’t actually make this one, this is a picture of what Mario and Luigi’s plumbing business looked like before they got into the princess rescue industry.


pixar-themed home office ideas

The fantastical world of Pixar has been a place of solace for both children and adults in recent years. Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc, Toy Story, they’re the story tellers of a generation. The folk over at Pixar have boundless imaginations and better yet, the ability to bring all of their wildest dreams and tales to life in the form of animation. To complete this home office, you need a pet clown fish of course, an Anglepoise lamp and if your workload is getting too much, hundreds of helium balloons ready to whisk you away to Paradise Falls.

So what do you think? Are any of these your dream office?

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