Boiz Smith’s Titanic diorama is an impressive piece that reimagines the Titanic tragedy with a fantastical twist. According to this diorama, a giant sea monster, Godzilla, was to blame for sinking the Titanic instead of an iceberg. It is set in New York City’s Central Park and 1912 – the date it actually sank.
The ship is made out of polymer clay and epoxy resin, among other materials. He shows how he made all of the elements for this project in an informative YouTube video. Sculpting out of oven-bake clay and then enhancing its unique scaly aspects with acrylic paint is used to create a Godzilla, who may be seen approaching the bottom of an unsuspecting vessel. In contrast, the Titanic was constructed uniquely by Smith. To guarantee that it would be an accurate replica, he purchased a 1:2000 scale Titanic model and pieced it together.
Smith needed to make the ocean in which the boat and monster would interact after installing the two essential components of the diorama. To create it, he used blue-tinted resin and began pouring it into a plastic container base. A mold was created by setting the Titanic, Godzilla, and wax within a square. Smith then sliced through the plastic and added water textures and other embellishments to complete his project after it had hardened completely. It’s fascinating to watch how things develop over approximately nine minutes.
Here are some additional images from the Godzilla and Titanic diorama and Smith’s work in the video below.
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