
Photographer Michael Shainblum Captures Magnificent Photos Of Hawaii’s Volcanoes

This series of nature photographs by photographer Michael Shainblum take us up near spewing lava and erupting volcanoes at Hawaii‘s Volcanos National Park.

The show concentrates on the unbelievable power of this lava and smoke explosions. To get to this shooting site, Shainblum took a boat across the lava waves off the coast.

To begin with, all he could see was the smoke. Then, as they got nearer, he could feel the heat and see the lava flowing throughout the smoke.

“It is challenging to explain seeing a moment in this way,” Shainblum states. “Watching lava pour out of the cliff into the sea was incredible sufficient. To find a double rainbow variant within the scene was incredible.”

“Among the most truly mystical scenes I have ever had the pleasure of capturing,” says the photographer. “With this collection, I wanted to showcase this beauty in my artistic way, through beautiful art landscape photography.

However still keep these scenes true to what I saw in my journey. For that reason, these pictures have been lightly processed. All of these pictures are single exposures unless listed otherwise…”

Learn more about his work on Instagram / Website

Hawaii Lava Volcano Photography

h/t sobadsogood