Austrian photographer, Sabine Pearlman has a new project titled “Amo” which is sweeping across the Net. Her creative photos show what the inside of a bullet looks like. Pearlman says the ammunition was cut by a munitions specialist, who created a technique to defuse the rounds and cut them in half.
On her website, Pearlman states:
“This series of ammunition cross-sections was photographed inside a WWII bunker in Switzerland in October of 2012. The entire series consists of 900 specimen. I was originally intrigued by the ambiguous nature of the subject matter.
The cross-sections reveal a hidden complexity and beauty of form, which stands in vast contrast to the destructive purpose of the object. It’s a representation of the evil and the beautiful, a reflection of the human condition.”

The 6.5 Grendel is the one type of ammo that’s missing here, but it can be found at any gun shop without too much trouble.