
Mixed Blood: Stunning Portraits of Mixed-Race Families

Photographer under the pseudonym Cyjo calls herself the western Korean (she was born in South Korea, but grew up in the U.S.), and on her photo project "mixed blood" she worked in New York and Beijing. In it, she explores the dynamics of the relationship between individual and collective identity. People move and change their way of life, and gradually evolving definition of a person to adapt to the definition of race and ethnicity. In his photo project Cyjo wanted to capture the ever-changing definition of race and explore the uniqueness of individuals in the context of their families.

Doyle Family, 2010.
Citizenship: American.
Ancestries: African, American Indian, Creole, Cuban, French, Irish.
Languages: English, Spanish, French. Live in New York.

Chandola Family, 2013.
Citizenships: Indian, Korean.
Ancestries: Indian, Korean.
Languages: English, Korean, Mandarin, Hindi. Live in Beijing.

Snodgrass Family, 2013.
Citizenships: American, Chinese.
Ancestries: German, Han Chinese, Irish.
Languages: English, Mandarin. Moved back and forth to China since 1999.

Valter Family, 2010.
Citizenship: American, German.
Ancestries: African-American, American Indian, Bahamian, French, German.
Languages: English, German, French, Spanish. Live in New York.

Kishimoto Family, 2013.
Citizenships: Chinese, Japanese.
Ancestries: Han Chinese, Japanese, Xibo Chinese.
Languages: Mandarin, Japanese, English. Live in Beijing.

Casarosa Family, 2010.
Citizenships: American, Italian, Korean.
Ancestries: Italian, Korean.
Languages: English, Italian, Korean. Live in New York.

Huang Rierson Family, 2013.
Citizenships: American, Belgian.
Ancestries:Chinese, All Western Europe except France.
Languages: Mandarin, French, English. Live in Beijing.

James Family, 2010.
Citizenship: American.
Ancestries: American Indian, Chinese, Dutch, English, Filipino, German, Irish, Japanese, Prussian.
Languages: English, French, Pidgin English (a mix of English, Hawaiian, Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino).
Live in New York.