
Beautiful Photos from Space of Our Beautiful planet


How great is that the astronauts on the International Space Station (real heroes) continue to share with us photos of our beautiful planet. The privilege of watching our planet from space falls very luckily for few. However, thanks to these photos, it’s like we ourselves were in orbit. For this, we are grateful to the astronauts, NASA and the European Space Agency. So if suddenly someone from among them is reading this – thank you!

beautiful planet1. Maldives



beautiful planet3. Southern Lights, New Zealand


beautiful planet4. The eastern coast of Spain at night


beautiful planet5. Mannam Volcano, Papua New Guinea


beautiful planet6. The International Space Station over the eastern coast of Argentina.


beautiful planet7. Beaver Lake in Arkansas, USA


beautiful planet8. East Coast of the US with the last rays of light on the horizon

beautiful planet9. Earth and stars

beautiful planet10. Night clouds over Long Beach, CA

beautiful planet11. The UK and Ireland at night

beautiful planet12. Running the Automated Transfer Vehicle

beautiful planet13. The solar panels of the ISS


beautiful planet14. The French Riviera at night

beautiful planet15. The bright lights of the night in Barcelona. (NASA / ESA)


beautiful planet16. Supermoon


beautiful planet17. Cape Cod, Massachusetts

beautiful planet18. Moscow at night

beautiful planet19. Sunset over West Africa

beautiful planet20. Sicily, Italy

beautiful planet21. Lake of Cadiz in the Euphrates River, formed through the dam Hadithi.


beautiful planet22. Atoll in the shape of a heart to the east of the Solomon Islands


beautiful planet23. San Quintin Glacier, Chile

beautiful planet24. Crete, Greece and Turkey

beautiful planet25. The Nile River

beautiful planet26. Buenos Aires, Argentina, La Plata

beautiful planet27. Cyclone Diana at Mesereau-east coast of Australia

beautiful planet28. Desert Somalia

beautiful planet29. National Park Chaco, Paraguay

beautiful planet30. The National Park Los Glaciares National Park, Argentina

beautiful planet31. Santiago, Cape Verde

beautiful planet

32. The Dead Sea, Israel

beautiful planet33. Rio Sao Francisco, Brazil

beautiful planet34. Reflection of sunset in Caspian sea